Friday, July 3, 2009

1)Braided Peacock 2) Teen Style

We were thinking about going to the zoo today. So I thought it might be cute to do the girl's hair in some sort of zooish theme.
As I was thinking I came up with this....

I did a pony-tail... braided it, folded the braid over, and added a rubber-band.

oh and don't forget the bow!

For my hair I left out some of my bangs and pulled back the rest of the bangs with 3 bobby-pins.


Anonymous said...

I like it, since it takes a lot of work to get it that way, I wouldnt be able to do it before school.:( So Ill give it 7 stars out of 10:)

Anonymous said...

I like it, but since it takes alot of work to get it that way, I wouldnt have time to do it before school:( So, Ill give it 7 stars out of 10.:)

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