Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1st- "5 Any Day Braids" 2nd- "Teen Hair- 3 Barreled French Braid Cont."

I was watching Jon and Kate Plus 8, it was their 4th of July show and Kate took the girls to get their hair braided. I thought it looked so fun so I did it on Bailey.

In this picture you can see the little girl's braids.
I did 5 French braids and added beads, so cute and easy. If you have questions about the beads, email me at hairbetweenmyfingers@hotmail.com.
so easy for camping or the 4th if you do red while and blue beads.
Bailey went swimming with it and they stayed in and looked way cute!

And here is us!

This is one I do on my self, very simple. It is a continuation of the Tripple Barreled French Braid.
I just pulled it into a pony tail and did a bun, and added a ribbon.
It is the same braid and everything.... just a little change.

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